Candace Owens Show Branding Concepts

Original title and logo concepts for the Candace Owens Show, produced with PragerU.

Candace Owens Show Branding Concepts

Original title and logo concepts for the Candace Owens Show, produced with PragerU.


Before The Candace Owens Show became The Candace Owens Show, it was envisioned as a talk show featuring guests from the left end of the political spectrum. It's original name was going to be Crossover but it turned out that there weren't very many (AKA: zero) left-leaning guests willing to come onto the show. There's something about having a head full of bad ideas which makes them avoid putting them to the test in an open dialogue. Go figure. So the show concept was changed and the Crossover branding ended up getting scrapped. However, these were some of the logo and branding concepts that I've enjoyed working on the most at PragerU.


I really took about a week of breaking down Candace's content and posts as well as her videos. Blexit had a semi-90's pop attitude that I tried to capture with these concepts , but we ended up going another way. I still think is the correct way to brand her so it was a bummer at the time. With Candace there was a serious opportunity for conservatives to try something more culturally-engaging in the design work, but I think we missed the mark in the end. Maybe we'll get there sometime soon!




Show Branding


September 10, 2021

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